Have you ever realized that whenever you are having a good time, it feels like time flies pass us very fast.. Unlike if you are bored or anything like that...
That is precisely how I feel at the moment. I think time is going pass me too fast that if it is possible I want it to stop.. I want to enjoy and feel the same feeling over and over again.. The joy, happiness and yes, annoyance...
Missing people...I just don't enjoy it but I am addicted to it.. Missing the good time... is an addicition... And yet these feelings are able to arouse both joy and pain at the same time. How painful it is to me... Cry and smile at the same time.. And yet...It is an addiction to me to feel this feeling
Each second is very precious.. If you let it go, you will end up losing track on what is happening and worse still become numb towards how you are feeling...
As time flies, the good time dies... Leaving us to make up our mind to either live on or stay behind... It is all in out hands.. As it dies, we should go on living though.. Cause the memories will always keep our soul alive...
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